Pictures taken on 3rd March 2023 at the 135th Anniversary of Bedford Congress Hall's mission and service in Bedford.
Updates1- Sunday December 8th at 1PM:
The Bedford Congress Hall Songster Brigade has been providing music and ministry in the corps (church) for over 120 years. The earliest recorded event at which the Songsters contributed to the ministry of the church was in the 1890's.
Today we continue this tradition by participating in morning worship on a weekly basis and through our singing aim to bring blessing, challenge and encouragement to all who hear our music. The Songster Brigade is made up of 24 members, of all ages. We all enjoy singing and using our voices to worship and praise God. We are blessed in The Salvation Army with a wealth of musical styles giving us a wide range of music for us to sing. Songster practice resumed in October 2021 and is held every Thursday evening from 7:30 to 8:30. Anyone who has an interest in sharing fellowship through song is welcome. Listen to a selection of songs by Bedford Congress Hall Songsters. These songs were recorded during worship services and so inevitably some background noise can be heard on occasion.
Recent Events:1- Music for a Summer Evening - Sunday 7th July 2024: This was a great evening of music. Joining the Songsters was our guest vocal soloist Ruby Thorne who sang a variety of songs from opera and film. Also included on the programme was the Trombone Trio who played 'I Will Follow Him' from the film Sister Act. Good feedback was received from both those who attended the event live as well as those who joined us for the live stream. You can still experience the evening by going to The Bedford Salvation Army YouTube channel.
Listen to and watch a selection of songs by the Bedford Congress Hall 'virtual' choir. This choir came about during lock-down when we were missing being able to sing together. Although not everyone within the Songster Brigade had the technology to be part of this, those that were able to "gave it a go" and as a result the virtual choir came in to being and were featured a number of times during our on-line worship services. From the summer of 2020 up until the autumn of 2021 we recorded a total of 8 songs, 6 of which are shown here. To begin with it was only ladies voices but gradually, over time, some of the men joined in as well as other members of our church family. As a result of this we were able to continue with our ministry of bringing blessing and encouragement through song to those who accessed our on-line worship.
These videos and others are available to watch on the Bedford Congress Hall YouTube channel.
These videos and others are available to watch on the Bedford Congress Hall YouTube channel.